Interested in Joining One World Martial Arts Academy?

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    Student Excellence

    Learn the Myanmar Fighting Arts!

    One World Martial Arts Academy

    Join the most Accessible, Adapted and Inclusive program online for You and Your Family to learn Martial Arts!

    One World Martial Arts Academy offers a Full Course of Study from White Belt to Black Belt available through our Video Course for self and group training. All classes have videos specifically designed for students of all abilities. Simply pick the video lesson that suits your abilities!

    Additionally, we offer Livestream Q&A for All of our students and Zoom classes/Personal Coaching for when you want a little more help!


    Our course is designed for all levels of mobility and ability, so Anyone & Everyone can learn Martial Arts! For every skill set taught, there are multiple videos demonstrating how to do them from a seated position, a mobility assisted position (such as a Walker) and a Full mobility version.


    Families are encouraged to train and work together! Coaching Resources are included to help you support each other.


    Train with our lessons from anywhere you can stream video - on any web browser or on iphone through the Teachable app!


    Martial Arts is more than becoming a Ninja! We train so that we can improve physically, mentally and spiritually every single day.

    Inclusive Programs
    Inclusive Programs

    Inclusive is an often misunderstood concept. It simply means that our program is unique in that we can deliver superlative instruction to EVERYONE. YOU included. That’s all. Martial Arts is an incredible platform for Mental, Physical, and Emotional well being. Individuals of all abilities can - and WILL - receive tremendous benefits from the practice.

    1WorldMA Circle Community
    Our Community

    The Martial Arts of Myanmar include:

    Bando - Empty Hand fighting

    Banshay - Weapons fighting

    Lethwei - Kickboxing

    Naban - Grappling

    We Are American Bando

    As the American Center for the International Thaing Bando Association (ITBA), members train in an Academy style of Myanmar Thaing and American Bando including, drills, forms, weapons and Kickboxing if medically viable.

    Shop for Gear!
    Shop for Gear

    Shop Here for your Gi and any training equipment you need to create the best space in which to train! While we do not require you to buy from Us, this is a convenient link for all your equipment needs!

    Adapted Programs
    Adapted Programs

    No other program in the world offers classes like these. Classes are specially designed for students who find themselves with physical needs that are most often addressed through occupational or physical therapy. The program is designed to be adaptable to the students specific needs and current limitations