One World Martial Arts Academy

We offer a full curriculum from White Belt to Black Belt in Martial Arts Training for students with Full, Assisted and Seated Mobility. We offer these courses in Youth and Adult tracks.

Youth Martial Arts includes Anti-Bullying Courses as well as Coaching Resources for family and training partners.

Adult Martial Arts includes Gross Motor Combat (GMC) Self-Defense courses in addition to Coaching Resources for training partners.

All course tracks include access to our instructors through email, our Facebook page and Zoom meetings. We encourage every student to train with family and friends to get the most out of their practice. We want everyone to be a little bit better everyday. Through this program we are able to reach anyone around the world that can load the website!

To select your track click the course button that best suits your needs and enroll through that course page! Private Lessons and additional Coaching is available as well!